Raiders of the Lost Ark: An Analysis
By Stella a.k.a Canyon
What is it about Raiders that is so special? Why is Raiders considered by die-hard fans to be the greatest Indiana Jones movie ever made? Some would say that this particular movie is probably the greatest action adventure movie ever made and I would most definitely agree with them. I think that everyone will agree that Harrison Ford in the starring role of the adventuring archaeologist was nothing short of magnificent!
The beginningEveryone knows the story of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg going to Hawaii for a vacation when Star Wars first opened. They began talking about what they’d like to do next. Spielberg told Lucas that he would like to direct a James Bond movie and Spielberg then told his friend to forget Bond He had something better. Lucas told Spielberg a story that he had thought of which involved an archaeology professor who travelled the globe looking for ancient artefacts and someone who put themselves at great personal risk.
So, how does one go about analyzing a great movie such as Raiders of the Lost Ark? An interesting question indeed. Then I decided that it would be interesting if I took a few scenes from the movie and looked into them.
When Raiders begins, Indy appears as a very mysterious character who, at this time, we know nothing about. Even though I, like many others, know the character of Indiana Jones very well, this part almost makes me feel as if I am seeing him for the first time. In the scene where we see Indy’s face for the first time always sends shivers down my spine and I love the way in which he looks at Barracana. Right back when I was a child, I remember Indy being this almost mysterious type of figure. I think that one of the many reasons that Raiders is a favourite is because the film as a whole has a kind of mysterious almost “film noir” feel to it and this can be felt throughout the whole movie.
One of the things I find interesting about Raiders is that you are taken though the beginning, which is an exhilarating thrill ride, then we are taken to the college where Indy teaches and we learn that Professor Jones is the object of affection for many young women! One of the most fascinating things about Indy is that he is not only a heroic adventurer who braves hospitable lands, in search of ancient artefacts and he is also a professor and a scholar, and every time I see the classroom scene, I can’t help but think that Indy is almost like two different people. This brings me to the question, is Indiana Jones, Dr. Jones’ alter ego? Many people say that heroes do not exist as such, but instead some people act heroically when placed in certain situations. Personally I disagree as I believe that Indy is a true hero all of the time.
Forgive me for digressing slightly there. But I have share with you my reasons for why Raiders is such a great film...
ActingI recently saw a thread stating that Tom Selleck would have made a better Indy. Sorry guys, but I have to disagree with you. I am still of the opinion that only one actor could have played the rugged adventurer. So, let’s take a look Harrison Ford. What is it about his performance as Indiana Jones in Raiders that is so special? To this day, I honestly cannot think of anyone else who could have played Indy as well as Harrison. To me, Harrison has a great charisma that I feel was needed for a character as three dimensional as Indy. I smile every time I read a review of Raiders because everyone reports as being very enthusiastic about Harrison's performance in that movie. Harrison has a very real, down-to-earth quality about him, which I feel that Indy also has. One of the scenes in Raiders which I feel demonstrates this is when Indy and Marion are on the Bantu Wind and Indy is clearly in a lot of pain from the past few day’s adventures. It makes the audience realise that Indy is just human like the rest of us.
I guess one of the most obvious things is Indy's clothes. I like the description that Deborah Nadooleman gave on the bonus disc about Indy's gear being 'earthy' and 'organic'. I feel that the gear was very well chosen, not only for the character but also for Harrison as well. I think Indy should get the No. 1 award for the greatest film costume as worn by a main character in a film. You just have to look at Harrison wearing Indy gear and you can see he was born to play Indy.
I feel that something that definitely contributes to Harrison's performance is the energy that he projects on screen. Harrison had a pretty hard job of keeping in character, doing most of the physical scenes and keeping his hat on the whole time. A lot of actors these days do not do their own stunts, and I have a great deal of respect for Harrison when he made those films.
Excuse me for being biased, but for us ladies, Harrison as Indy was incredibly handsome. If I had been taken to see Raiders when it originally came out (when I was at the tender age of 8), I think I would have been totally struck by his presence. I know women who nearly fell off their chair when they saw that first shot of Indy after he whips the gun away from Barranca, in that opening scene. Wow! The look that he gives is amazing and it says so many things. I have now been lucky enough to see Raiders on the big screen three times now, and every time I see it, I am floored by that look. Yes, I can definitely say Harrison Ford is the only actor who could have pulled off this successfully, and I feel that much of the success of Raiders is due to Harrison Ford's stellar performance.
DirectionSometimes, I can hardly believe that Spielberg was not originally going to direct the second Indy movie, Temple of Doom. After a four day brainstorming session with George Lucas, he then changed his mind. Interestingly enough, he once said "I won't be involved in the third or fourth ones". Interesting quote indeed.
Spielberg is an incredibly inventive director. His direction on Raiders is definitely one of the greatest that I have ever seen of a film. Sometimes it feels as if Spielberg came up with the idea of Indy and not George Lucas. All in all, the direction is flawless.
Spielberg was quite flexible regarding suggestions from his actors, Harrison especially. It gave Harrison as an actor the opportunity to suggest changes in certain scenes, the most obvious being the scene with a certain Arab swordsman, and turned out to be probably the funniest scene in the movie!
I sometimes wonder what other directors would have done with this movie. Perhaps it would it have leant more towards film noir, or even more of a comedy. I don't think that Raiders would have been as successful if it was directed by someone else. Spielberg directed Raiders with an incredible amount of energy, passion and just that feeling that he, like George Lucas, was fulfilling a dream.
ScriptI consider the Raiders script to be one of the best I've ever seen in a movie. I know that when Lawrence Kasdan wrote the screenplay, it was gradually changed in places, which is now the script we all know and love. Indy, of course, being the hero has some of the best lines, but sometimes it’s not the lines, but in the way that they are said. I think that some of Indy's best lines (and I'm sure that many people out there would agree with me) are:
"Besides, you know what a cautious fellow I am..."
"You wanna talk to God? Let's go see him together. I've got nothing better to do."
"Snakes! Why'd it have to be snakes?"
"Ha ha ha ha... You son of a bitch."
"Where'd you get this, from him?"
"I don't know, I'm making this up as I go."
"It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage."
I have some favourite lines of Marion's as well...
"Listen, Herr Mac. I don't know what kind of people you're used to dealing with, but nobody tells me what to do in my place!"
"Well Jones, at least you haven't forgotten how to show a lady a good time!"
"How about a drink. You know, a drink?"
And some of our other favourite characters as well...
Eaton: "Professor of Archaeology, expert on the occult, and how does one say it, obtainer of rare antiquities..."
Sallah: "The Ark. If it is there at Tanis, it was something that man was not meant to disturb. Death has always surrounded it. It is not of this earth."
There seems to be many possible subplots in Raiders, for instance, Indy and Marion's relationship years before. There are some lines that I find very interesting that I feel tell another story. For example, during the scene at Indy's house and the conversation that takes place between Indy and Marcus Brody. Indy: "That thing [the Ark] represents everything we got into archaeology for in the first place." I've often wondered what is meant by that. Maybe the Ark is more significant to Indy and Marcus in more ways than one. And this line by Marcus: "You know, five year ago, I would have gone after it myself. I'm really rather envious.” Does this mean that Marcus was once like Indy? Perhaps both of these ideas is something that could be developed in a future story perhaps.
MusicEver since I heard John Williams' orchestral score from Last Crusade, he has become my favourite film composer. I am in awe of the way in which he wrote the scores for the trilogy and to this day, his music feels fresh and original.
To me, John Williams gave the trilogy, especially Raiders, that brave and adventurous score that is very well suited to Indy on his adventures. Sometimes, when I am listening to the Indy soundtracks, I close my eyes and I can picture the exact part of a scene and see it playing in my head, just like in the movies. John Williams has managed to capture the situations in which our favourite archaeologist finds himself in. Hearing the score when you are watching the movies in the cinema is a sheer delight.
So, how do I feel about Raiders of the Lost Ark as a movie?
Despite Last Crusade being very personal film for me, because it is the movie that made me become an Indy fan, Raiders is my favourite movie because in my opinion, it's the greatest film ever made. From the moment that our hero enters the Chachapoyan temple, the events that lead on from this are in a word, fantastic. I feel that the acting is second to none, the set pieces and locations are stunning, and there is a great sense of fun and adventure throughout the whole film and I think that most people will agree with me when I say that the role was made for Harrison. I feel that this movie deserves to be in the top ten greatest movies of all time and is a movie that is still influencing other movies out there today. When I saw Raiders at the Diet Coke film festival last year, the cinema was packed, and the audience were extremely enthusiastic. This proves that Indy's first screen adventure, Raiders of the Lost Ark still goes on to be a movie that is remembered with fondness by many generations.
When Raiders begins, Indy appears as a very mysterious character who, at this time, we know nothing about. Even though I, like many others, know the character of Indiana Jones very well, this part almost makes me feel as if I am seeing him for the first time. In the scene where we see Indy’s face for the first time always sends shivers down my spine and I love the way in which he looks at Barracana. Right back when I was a child, I remember Indy being this almost mysterious type of figure. I think that one of the many reasons that Raiders is a favourite is because the film as a whole has a kind of mysterious almost “film noir” feel to it and this can be felt throughout the whole movie.