Indy Research
Over the years, The Indy and its staff has compiled a great deal of research and information about the Indiana Jones films. This section is dedicated to all of our hard work and research, and in this section you will find all kinds of information about everyone's favorite archaeologist, from a complete timeline of the life of Indiana Jones, to the Indiana Jones Atlas and filming locations; it's all here in one place. If you still have unanswered questions regarding Indiana Jones, we encourage you to visit Indy's Help Desk where you can submit your own inquires.

Indiana Jones Chronicles - This section features the most comprehensive and up-to-date Indiana Jones timeline on the web. Our Indiana Jones timeline chronicles the life of Indiana Jones, this section covers everything from his birth, to the present day, and everything in between.

Indiana Jones Atlas - Our Indiana Jones Atlas is a geographic reference to all of the places Indy traveled to throughout his many adventures. Each geographical section explores the many things that Indy did, the people Indy encountered and artifacts that Indy found.

Dead Script Scrolls - With the onset of the Internet, we saw a very exciting time for Indiana Jones fans. Although there was not yet any official confirmation of Indy 4 yet, scripts claiming to be the true documents for the next Indiana Jones installment were flying around like never seen before in the history of any motion picture...

Archaeology - This section will soon be home to a wealth of articles, theories, and information about the many artifacts that Indiana Jones searched for throughout his globetrotting life. This section will present the truth and facts behind the actual artifacts Indiana Jones went in search of.
Further Information on the Indiana Jones Films:
Raiders of the Lost Ark - It was the return of the great adventure. With the release of Raiders of the Lost Ark in 1981, a legend was born. In this section, learn about the film that started it all with reviews, cast and crew list, bloopers, deleted scenes and more information on Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - If adventure has a name, it must be Indiana Jones. With the sucess of Raiders of the Lost Ark, another film was inevitable. In this section, get all the information on the second Indiana Jones film with reviews, cast and crew list, bloopers, deleted scenes and more information on Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Have the adventure of your life keeping up with the Joneses in the third chapter of the Indiana Jones films. In this section, dive into the world of the third Indiana Jones film with reviews, cast and crew list, bloopers, deleted scenes and more information on Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Indiana Jones 4 - Since 1989, fans have been waiting for a fourth Indiana Jones film and it looks as though it will finally happen. In this section, get the latest on Indiana Jones 4 with news, fact list, rumors, cast and crew information and more.
Young Indiana Jones Chronicles - In the early 1990's, George Lucas produced the TV series about the life of Young Indiana Jones. Learn about the adventures of Young Indiana Jones with information on the Young Indy actors, chapters, films and more.