Indy DVDs Review by Ryan of

Review of the Indiana Jones DVDs by 'Ryan of':

November 3rd, 2003

Indiana Jones: the 'holy grail' of box sets

The Indiana Jones DVD box set is now the best selling DVD box set of all time. The movies sold more than 50 million dollars the first weekend out. What makes these DVDs so special?

These DVDs are digitally remastered and really are beautiful to watch. The picture quality is better than when first released. people have worked extremely hard to restore this film back to top quality and now it is. Lowry Digital restored the film and faced many challenges. Lowry Digital uses more than 300 computers and more than 40 terabytes of computer space in its restoration efforts. If you remember the 1999 box set " The adventures of Indiana Jones" video tapes. this blows it away.

The same thing applies to audio. The sound is so good you might mistake your living room for an African jungle. The movie was remastered in 5.1 surround sound. Again if you remember the '99 video box set, this is much, much, better.

This collection includes a 4th disk full of special features. The special features are one of the main draws to the set and one thing lots of people check first. While there isn't the most special features of any DVD, they are long and there is care put into them.

Overall there is no doubt whatsoever that this is the best DVD set of all time. it's a must for every fan, big or small. These movies are a timeless piece of our culture and will be treasured forever.- Ryan

(Review courtesy of

DVD Rating:StarStarStarStarStar