Review on Indy DVD by Ryan Anderson
Review of the Indiana Jones DVDs by 'Ryan (Who Is That Masked Man) Anderson':
November 11th, 2003
For years Fans have awaited the release of the Indiana Jones DVDS....and we always knew we'd beat out those star wars fans. But Now the time has come and we'll be telling everyone on our block that we had the set first. But truthfully, This is the best DVD set I've ever seen.
The Movies themselves stand the test of time. The timeless tale Of Indiana Jones. First of all, the quality of the picture is amazing. if you are fortunate enough to have a big screen you'll literally be thrown into the Well of souls with Indy. The amount of care gone into the cleaning of the film is great. The sound adds to that experience. for a while there I thought I WAS riding through Hong Kong.
The Special featurettes are also very interesting. From the sound to the stunts, you'll learn all about the making of these movies. There are great interviews with Lucas, Spielberg and Ford. The one thing i didn't like but rather thought was hilarious was that EVERY time he could George Lucas would mention his film "Star Wars", as if to say "my movies are cool too......remember?" He can't accept the fact that the Star wars franchise is being spread a little thin with each prequel. Other than that. the DVDs are great and worthy of being in every fans collection.
DVD Rating: